We Wait

Posted in Words From Our Pastor

Dear Friends,

Maybe it’s because in my own life, waiting has been a “normal”, this is not as hard for me. I won’t bore you with the list of all that I’ve waited for in my life, but I will tell you there is a spiritual discipline about waiting. Around Advent, we talk a lot about waiting. It’s the season for waiting for Christ’s birth, but also Scriptures in the lectionary talk about how we are all waiting for Christ’s second coming. We live in the “already” and “not yet”. God’s Kingdom is already here. Christ lives now in our hearts. The Spirit is palpable and visible in the movements, words, situations and happenings of our lives. God is already here. And Christ is coming. So, we wait. 

Now we wait for mandates of social distancing and quarantines to be lifted. We especially wait for this virus to leave, go away. We wait for medications of hopeful relief tested for use soon and vaccines created for prevention in the future. We wait in our homes, only going out to get takeout, groceries, prescriptions. Since I’m practiced at waiting, I would like to offer you some coping strategies. First, make a schedule of sorts. Keep to your bedtime and your time of waking up. Even if you don’t sleep well, get up in the morning so that your body stays in a rhythm. Eat how you normally eat. Keep things as “normal” for you as you can.

Reach out at least once a day to someone, a friend, a family member, or me. I’m happy to talk to you even if it’s about a flower that just bloomed in your yard or that you’re bored out of your mind. If you can, go outside at least 10 minutes each day. The fresh air, even when cloudy, will help you feel better. Take a walk, even a stroll around your block to keep moving. Go up and down your stairs. Make a plan for those projects that you’ve always wanted to do but never had time, such as cleaning out closets, spring cleaning, or getting “stuff” in boxes or bags to get rid of. If you have a plan, you’ll probably at least start it. DO NOT listen to the news all day long!!! This will only build fear and paranoia inside your mind, body and spirit.

Use humor and music to help you through this time. Listen to great music while you’re creating Easter cards to mail to family or baking goodies or cleaning out stuff. Find humor wherever you can and share it! Facebook is filled with funny quips and memes about this time. Watch comedies and shows that are positive and uplifting or interesting, when you watch TV. Again, do not watch the news all day long. Nurture your spirit while you are taking care of your body and mind. Pray. Pay attention to where God is visible in your life. Be grateful.

Once again, I will be on Facebook this Sunday streaming another service. But if you cannot get Facebook, please check out our website since videos will be sent there as well, after the service. If you are not connected to the web at all, no worries! I will mail the bulletin and sermon to you, if you ask. You can call or text me. I have a list of folks who I already have mailed to, including all the facility and home bound. In this time of waiting, do not fear! God is already here! Christ is living in your heart and in the hearts of all of us. The Spirit is moving and acting and swirling around you. Be of good cheer, even in the midst of the unknown. Remember you are loved! We are in this together!

Love and Peace,
Pastor Laurie

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